商標登録insideNews: Hungry Jack’s Big Jack ‘not deceptively similar’ to McDonald’s Big Mac in burger case, court finds | ABC News

Big Jack is not deceptively similar to Big Mac

Big Jack is not deceptively similar to Big Mac
from TMview

McDonald’s has lost its legal dispute with fast-food rival Hungry Jack’s over its Big Mac lookalike burger the “Big Jack”. The American giant had claimed that consumers would confuse the Big Jack with the Big Mac and this would eat into McDonald’s profits.

情報源: Hungry Jack’s Big Jack ‘not deceptively similar’ to McDonald’s Big Mac in burger case, court finds – ABC News

“The judge ruled that ‘the purpose was not to mislead, but to invite a comparison and contrast’, between the two products and brands.(裁判官は、2つの製品とブランドの間で「誤解を招くことが目的ではなく、比較と対照を促すことが目的だった」との判決を下した。)”

Hungry Jack’s | BIG JACK is BACK, 0:28 youtube

Hungry Jack's | BIG JACK is BACK!

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Hungry Jack’s Big Jack ‘not deceptively similar’ to McDonald’s Big Mac in burger case, court finds | ABC News”