商標登録insideNews:【速報】「岩手」が清酒地理的表示に 南部杜氏の技術支え | 日本食糧新聞電子版


 岩手県で造られる清酒が酒類の地理的表示(GI)「岩手」として指定された。国税庁が25日に発表した。今後は、岩手県内で生産され一定の基準を満たした清酒だけが産地名の岩手を商品に表示できる。岩手の清酒は、名水と日本最大の杜 […]

情報源: 【速報】「岩手」が清酒地理的表示に 南部杜氏の技術支え – 日本食糧新聞電子版

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews:【速報】「岩手」が清酒地理的表示に 南部杜氏の技術支え | 日本食糧新聞電子版”


商標登録insideNews: Judge Upholds $56M Verdict in Stone Brewing Trademark Case Against Coors | Times of San Diego

Stone Brewing won $56M verdict against Coors

A San Diego federal judge this week upheld a jury’s verdict awarding local craft brewer Stone Brewing $56 million in its trademark infringement lawsuit against beer giant Molson Coors.

情報源: Judge Upholds $56M Verdict in Stone Brewing Trademark Case Against Coors – Times of San Diego

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Judge Upholds $56M Verdict in Stone Brewing Trademark Case Against Coors | Times of San Diego”


商標登録insideNews: A Current Affair: Trademark dispute could land Melbourne frozen yogurt business Yo-Kli in Federal Court | 9now.nine.com

Frozen yogurt business TM dispute in Melbourne

Trademark dispute could land frozen yogurt business in Federal Court | In a battle of the frozen desserts, the owners of Yo-Chi – a large self-serve frozen yogurt business owned by the Allis family – are threatening to take small Melbourne store Yo-Kli to the Federal Court if they don’t make some urgent changes.

情報源: A Current Affair: Trademark dispute could land Melbourne frozen yogurt business Yo-Kli in Federal Court

Trademark dispute could land frozen yogurt business in Federal Court | A Current Affair, 5:14 Frozen yogurt business TM dispute in Melbourne

Trademark dispute could land frozen yogurt business in Federal Court | A Current Affair

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: A Current Affair: Trademark dispute could land Melbourne frozen yogurt business Yo-Kli in Federal Court | 9now.nine.com”


商標登録insideNews: Director’s Blog: What to expect from our new trademark search system (and why we’re replacing TESS) | USPTO

New Trademark Search Beta

What to expect from our new trademark search system (and why we’re replacing TESS) The Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) has been a fixture of the USPTO’s information technology portfolio for decades. Those of us in the trademark community have grown accustomed to it, and perhaps even grown fond of it over the years. Maybe you have field tags and design search codes memorized, and you can formulate complex search strings to pull up the exact mark you’re looking for in a snap.

情報源: Director’s Blog: the latest from USPTO leadership

商標電子検索システム (TESS) は、何十年にもわたって USPTO の情報技術ポートフォリオの定番となっていましたが、今年の11月にそのサービスは終了し、新しいベータ版の商標サーチデータに交代します。

New Trademark Search Beta
New Trademark Search Beta Demo Screen

アメリカ合衆国(米国)の商標登録を検索(TESS) 米国商標登録 検索 vol.8
New Trademark Search (Beta)


ベネルクス知的財産庁(BOIP) vol.12 商標_動画(embedded/playlist)

ベネルクス知的財産庁 動画

ベネルクス知的財産庁 動画


  1. Do you have an exclusive right to the name of your business?
  2. What is trademark protection and what do you need to do for it?
  3. What do you have to do after registering your trademark?
  4. Has your trademark already been registered by someone else? Here is what you can do.
  5. When do I have to register my trademark?
  6. Can someone use a domain name that is similar to mine?
  7. Can I register my name as an influencer?

続きを読む“ベネルクス知的財産庁(BOIP) vol.12 商標_動画(embedded/playlist)”


商標登録insideNews: CIPO’s Proposed Trademark Fee Increases for 2024 | Bereskin & Parr LLP

CIPO proposed fee increase in 2024

Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO)’s proposal for fee adjustments is expected to come into force on January 1, 2024. …The fee adjustments would apply to most of the fees for CIPO trademark services, including filing applications and renewing registrations. The proposal maintains the current fee structure, but would increase most fees by 25%, subject to exceptions.

情報源: CIPO’s Proposed Trademark Fee Increases for 2024: Bereskin & Parr LLP

Canadian Intellectual Property Office Draft Fee ProposalCIPO proposed fee increase in 2024

Item Current Fee Propsed Fee
Filing Fees 1st class: $347.35 $434.19
Each additional class: $105.26 $131.58
Renewal Fees 1st class: $421.02 $526.28
Each additional class: $131.58 $164.47
Assignments/Ownership Transfers $100.00 $125.00
Statement of Opposition $789.43 $986.78

CIPO (Canadian Intellectual Property Office) カナダ知的財産庁 商標関連料金表 2019.6
