商標登録insideNews: Harley-Davidson Registers New Electrified Trademark In Europe | rideapart.com
Harley-Davidson Registers New Euro TM for e-lineup
In a EUIPO trademark filing dated March 3, 2020, the Motor Company took a steel washer and a lightning bolt and added what looks like a newly electrified Harley-Davidson logo to its label making arsenal. With just this filing and no accompanying context, it’s unclear what Harley’s plans are for where it wants to use this logo going forward. Motorcycle.com noted another potential electric logo filing at the same time, which we so far haven’t been able to locate.
情報源: Harley-Davidson Registers New Electrified Trademark In Europe
Trade mark number:018204830
Filing date:03/03/2020
Nice Classification:12
Trade mark status:Application filed
(Harley-Davidson Registers New Euro TM for e-lineup)
商標登録insideNews: Harley-Davidson Bronx Trademark Application Filed – Motorcycle.com
商標登録insideNews: 中国「新型肺炎」便乗の商標出願1千件に 病院名「火神山」や警告の医師「李文亮」、「新冠」も – 産経ニュース
コロンビア商工業監督庁 (SIC) vol.21 商標_動画(embedded/playlist)
コロンビア商工業監督庁 動画
SICTeVe 2020
続きを読む“コロンビア商工業監督庁 (SIC) vol.21 商標_動画(embedded/playlist)”
商標登録insideNews: Trademark Attorney Checks in With Update on Phillie Phanatic Legal Case | Crossing Broad
Phillie Phanatic Legal Case
The Phillie Phanatic revealed his offseason makeover yesterday afternoon in Clearwater and the consensus reaction to the updates was… not great. The changes were spurred, at least in part, by ongoing litigation between the Phillies and mascot creators Wade Harrison and Bonnie Erickson. In short, Harrison and Erickson want more money from the team. In…
情報源: Trademark Attorney Checks in With Update on Phillie Phanatic Legal Case | Crossing Broad
Could this be the end for the Phillie Phanatic?, 2:05
商標登録insideNews: Major League Baseball set to oppose the Overwatch League logo trademark | PC Gamer
商標登録insideNews: 日本発のブランド価値ランキング「Best Japan Brands 2020」トップ100、1位は「TOYOTA」 | Web担当者Forum
インターブランドジャパンは、日本発のブランドを対象としたブランド価値ランキング「Best Japan Brands 2020」を発表した。独自のブランド価値評価手法「Brand Valuation」を用いて、ブランドの持つ価値を金額換算している。今年で12回目。
情報源: 日本発のブランド価値ランキング「Best Japan Brands 2020」トップ100、1位は「TOYOTA」【IBJ調べ】 | Web担当者Forum