国税庁 商標_動画 (embedded) vol.10

GI萩 国税庁 動画

GI萩 国税庁 動画


「GI(地理的表示)萩」指定酒蔵の紹介【広島国税局】, 7:44


The characteristics of GI Hagi are that it is based on the soft water with low mineral content from the Hagi Abu region, and generally has a rich, refined flavor derived from rice and a refreshing acidity. It also has a clean alcohol taste, and in ginjo sake, you can feel the refreshing aroma of fruits such as apples.

国税庁 商標_動画 (embedded) vol.9


ベネルクス知的財産庁(BOIP) vol.7 商標_動画(embedded)

ベネルクス知的財産庁 動画

ベネルクス知的財産庁 動画

1.BOIP promotiefilm, 3:19

動画中に、SMEs with IP rights have almost 68 % more revenue per employee than SMEs with no IP rights.の部分があります。

European companies with intellectual property (IP) rights (trademarks, designs or patents) have higher revenue per employee than companies with no IP rights. Companies with IP rights also pay higher salaries.

情報源: Higher revenue for companies with trademarks, designs or patents | Benelux Office for Intellectual Property

ベネルクス知的財産庁(BOIP) vol.6 商標_動画(embedded)

オランダ民間企業庁(ROV) 商標_動画 vol.1

オランダ民間企業庁 動画

1.Wat is RVO?、1:41 オランダ民間企業庁 動画

2.E-learning Intellectueel Eigendom in China van RVO – een voorproefje、0:30

3.IE on tour teaser、1:01

オランダ民間企業庁(ROV / Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland)
各国商標データベース (国内外知的財産関連108機関) 地域ブロック別
De Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) is een agentschap van het Nederlandse Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat en Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit.

国連食糧農業機関(FAO) 商標_動画 vol. 1

1.Sweet treats from Turkey: protecting Bursa’s black figs and peaches, 2:34

Sweet treats from Turkey: protecting Bursa’s black figs and peaches

2.Croatia’s traditional food products: when terroirs go global, 6:47

Croatia's traditional food products: when terroirs go global

3.Geographical Indications: Creaming off the best of tradition, 5;42

Geographical Indications: Creaming off the best of tradition
