旅色公式チャンネル 女優が日本を巡る旅ムービー 地域ブランド&商標 動画(embedded/playlist)

旅色 女優が日本を巡る旅ムービー

電子雑誌「旅色 TABIIRO」は自分らしさと美を求める現代の女性にとっての“旅”とは何かを捉え、新しいスタイルを発信し、大人の女性に上質な旅時間を届ける無料の電子雑誌です。(from 旅色website)youtube版では、全国を12のブロックに分け、旬な女優さんたちがその地域独特のブランドを織り交ぜた旅を30秒~2分程度の短い動画で紹介しています。

旅色 女優

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商標登録insideNews: Trademark e-registration certificate issuance moved to May 24 | USPTO

E-Registration Certificate Re-scheduled to Start May 24th

Our Trademark and IT teams are accelerating our transition to electronic registration certificates. Starting May 24, approximately two weeks earlier than previously announced, we will begin issuing electronic registration certificates. The new date accelerates the benefits of the electronic certificates and addresses a recent paper vendor disruption. Due to the disruption, the USPTO will not issue registration certificates between May 10 and May 23.

情報源: Trademark e-registration certificate issuance moved to May 24 | USPTO

商標登録insideNews: Electronic registration certificates | USPTO (Scheduled June 7)

E-Registration Certificate Re-scheduled to Start May 24th uspto-entrance
米国特許商標庁/USPTO Alexandria Virgina, USA