中国 中小企業・知的財産ヘルプデスク (China IP SME Helpdesk) vol.9 商標_動画(embedded)

China IP SME Helpdesk 動画

Key Intellectual Property Considerations for Collaborating with Chinese Partners, 1:11:27 China IP SME Helpdesk 動画

Key Intellectual Property Considerations for Collaborating with Chinese Partners

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IPKey 商標_動画(embedded/playlist) vol.13

IPKey SEA 動画

IPKey SEA 動画

Videos in the playlist “Conference on Trade Marks and Industrial Designs in the Digital World” include the follwoing topics:

  • AI-powered tools for examining trade marks used at the EUIPO
  • Viet Nam’s experience in their accession to the Hague Agreement and recent amendments in design regulations.
  • issues in the protection and enforcement of trade marks in the online environment and how INTA is addressing bad faith trade mark filings.
  • the benefits that new technologies, including blockchain and artificial intelligence, are bringing to the intellectual property community.
  • the examination of industrial designs at EUIPO, introducing current tools and those under development, including AI.
  • the statistics and process of industrial design filings in Thailand, the country’s preparations for accession to the Hague Agreement and how intellectual property is being promoted to boost the creative industry.
  • recent developments in the protection of industrial designs in relation to the digital world.

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リトアニア共和国国家特許庁(VPB) vol.12 商標_動画(embedded/playlist)

リトアニア共和国国家特許庁 動画

リトアニア共和国国家特許庁 動画
Lapkričio 30 d. įvyko metinė Valstybinio patentų biuro ir Valstybinės vartotojų teisių apsaugos tarnybos konferencija tema „Ką ir kaip kuriame bei vartojame skaitmeninėje erdvėje?“ (11月30日 国家特許庁と国家消費者権利保護局の年次会議は、「デジタル空間で何をどのように作成し使用するか?」というテーマで開催されました。)

続きを読む“リトアニア共和国国家特許庁(VPB) vol.12 商標_動画(embedded/playlist)”