カテゴリー: 商標動画・国際
WIPO, EUIPO, BOIP, ARIPO, OAPIなどの国際機関や広域機関の動画になります。
欧州連合知的財産庁(EUIPO) 商標_動画(embedded/playlist) vol.54
欧州連合知的財産庁 動画
The 4th International IP Enforcement Summit was held online on 22 and 23 June 2021. It gathered key actors to discuss ways to improve the protection and enforcement of IP rights globally in both the online and offline environments. The summit highlighted strategic and practical guidance and shared good practices. International IP Enforcement Summit
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世界知的所有権機関(WIPO) vol.64 商標_動画(embedded)
世界知的所有権機関 動画
続きを読む“世界知的所有権機関(WIPO) vol.64 商標_動画(embedded)”
カナダへの欧州連合代表団(Delegation of the European Union to Canada)商標_動画 vol. 2
1.CETA – Protecting your intellectual property rights in Canada, 53:53
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カナダへの欧州連合代表団(Delegation of the European Union to Canada)商標_動画 vol.1
対カナダ欧州連合代表団 動画
1.État des lieux des indications géographiques: regards d’experts, 1:10:18
続きを読む“カナダへの欧州連合代表団(Delegation of the European Union to Canada)商標_動画 vol.1”
世界知的所有権機関(WIPO) vol.63 商標_動画(embedded)
世界知的所有権機関 動画
ABBA のビョルン・ウルヴァースがクリエイターのための WIPO について語る
続きを読む“世界知的所有権機関(WIPO) vol.63 商標_動画(embedded)”
欧州連合知的財産庁(EUIPO) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.52
欧州連合知的財産庁 動画
商標登録insideNews: Paraguay joins two WIPO classification treaties | WIPO
The treaties establish international classifications of goods and services for the registration of trademarks (Nice Agreement) and industrial designs (Locarno Agreement) – helping brand owners and designers in their efforts to obtain protection for their own work.
Ambassador Julio César Peralta Rodas, Deputy Permanent Representative of Paraguay to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva, deposited the instrument of accession with WIPO Director General Daren Tang on May 31, 2021
Paraguay Joins WIPO Classification Treaties, 2:03
欧州植物品種庁 (CPVO: Community Plant Variety Office) 商標_動画(embedded)vol.4
1.CPVO coop Webinar: IPR in the Agri food Sector: a Guide to Geographical Indications, Trademarks, 1:11:33
2.Webinar: IPR in Agri food Sector II: conflicts and synergies among GIs, Trademarks, Patents & PVDs, 59:45