商標登録insideNews: Welcoming Iceland to the Madrid e-Filing Community | WIPO

Iceland moves for Madrid e-filing

Iceland becomes the first Nordic country to offer the Madrid e-Filing service to trademark users, following Bulgaria a few weeks beforehand.

情報源: Welcoming Iceland to the Madrid e-Filing Community

You can now file an international trademark application through Madrid e-Filing by the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) via the ISIPO. The electronic service is paperless, user friendly and safe. An international trademark application must be based on a national application that will be registered later, or on a pre-existing Icelandic registration. The application can be filed in four simple steps: 

情報源: Madrid e-Filing available via the ISIPO | Hugverkastofan

The number of IP Offices using this WIPO solution has rapidly risen from three in 2018 to ten today: the Benelux, Australia, Georgia, Austria, Lithuania, Estonia, Canada, the Republic of Moldova, Bulgaria, and now Iceland.

商標登録insideNews: 英企業の商標権巡り、アイスランド政府が提訴

Iceland moves for Madrid e-filing
Reykjavík, Iceland

商標登録insideNews: トヨタがついに商標を譲渡。オペルがやっと本名「コルサ」を名乗れる!(driver@web) | carview!

コルサ 商標譲渡

コルサ 商標譲渡


情報源: トヨタがついに商標を譲渡。オペルがやっと本名「コルサ」を名乗れる!(driver@web) | 自動車情報サイト【新車・中古車】 – carview!

本権移転登録申請書(譲渡) 2020/08/04
移転登録済通知書 2020/09/11
権利者記事 東京都目黒区 Groupe PSA JAPAN株式会社

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: トヨタがついに商標を譲渡。オペルがやっと本名「コルサ」を名乗れる!(driver@web) | carview!”

商標登録insideNews: U.S. Trademark Office Issues Guide on How It Will Apply the Supreme Court’s Booking.com Decision to Examination of Relevant Applications | Mintz – Trademark & Copyright Viewpoints – JDSupra

As we reported in our July 7, 2020 blog post on the USPTO v. Booking.com B.V decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a proposed mark consisting of the combination of a generic term and a generic top-level domain, like “.com,” is not automatically generic and can be protected as a trademark under certain circumstances. Now, the U.S. Trademark Office has issued an Examination Guide providing guidance on how it intends to apply that ruling to the examination of applications for these types of proposed trademarks.

情報源: U.S. Trademark Office Issues Guide on How It Will Apply the Supreme Court’s Booking.com Decision to Examination of Relevant Applications | Mintz – Trademark & Copyright Viewpoints – JDSupra

Examination Guide 3-20 Generic.com Terms after USPTO v. Booking.com October 2020

商標登録insideNews: Playboy Files Lawsuit Against Fashion Nova for Trademark Infringement | Odessa

Playboy Enterprises, Inc. has filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California against Fashion Nova, Inc. for infringing Playboy’s world-famous Playboy BUNNY COSTUME design (the “BUNNY COSTUME ® ”).

情報源: Playboy Files Lawsuit Against Fashion Nova for Trademark Infringement – Business – Odessa

Halloween’s Never Been Sexier | FASHION NOVA, 1:00

商標登録insideNews: Zoom Sued for Trademark Infringement Over ‘Zapp’ App Integration | bloomberglaw.com

Zoom Sued for TM Infringement Over Zapp

Zoom Sued for TM Infringement Over Zapp

Zoom Video Communications Inc.’s new “Zapps” function for integrating third-party apps infringes Zapier Inc.’s trademarks covering similar services, according to a complaint filed Monday in San Francisco federal court.

情報源: Zoom Sued for Trademark Infringement Over ‘Zapp’ App Integration

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Zoom Sued for Trademark Infringement Over ‘Zapp’ App Integration | bloomberglaw.com”

商標登録insideNews: インターブランド「Best Global Brands 2020」レポート, グローバル・ブランドランキングTOP100を発表|株式会社インターブランドジャパン

株式会社インターブランドジャパンのプレスリリース(2020年10月20日 14時32分)インターブランド[Best Global Brands 2020]レポート[ブランド価値]によるグローバル・ブランドランキングTOP100を発表

情報源: インターブランド「Best Global Brands 2020」レポート「ブランド価値」によるグローバル・ブランドランキングTOP100を発表|株式会社インターブランドジャパンのプレスリリース

Best Global Brands 2020

商標登録insideNews: WhatsApp Opposes WhatsPay Trademark | lawstreetmedia.com

WhatsApp Inc. has filed an opposition to WhatsPay doing business as OmegaSoft Technology LLC’s proposed “WHATSPAY” trademark and accompanying design. After extending its deadline to file the opposition, WhatsApp contended that the filing before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) is timely.The opposition stated that OmegaSoft is a South Carolina company. It allegedly filed an application in January, seeking to use its WHATSPAY trademark for “downloadable computer software for use as an electronic wallet.”

情報源: WhatsApp Opposes WhatsPay Trademark – Tech

Number: 91265489 Filing Date: 10/19/2020
Status: Pending Status Date: 10/19/2020
ESTTA Tracking number: ESTTA1089623

Grounds for Opposition
Priority and likelihood of confusion Trademark Act Section 2(d)
No use of mark in commerce before application or amendment to allege use was filed Trademark Act Sections 1(a) and (c)
False suggestion of a connection with persons,living or dead, institutions, beliefs, or national symbols, or brings them into contempt, or disrepute Trademark Act Section 2(a)

被異議申立商標 米国連番第88767070号

商標登録insideNews: コルベットにそっくりな中国製ハイブリッドカーが登場。本家GMの反応は… | Business Insider Japan

モーターショーは通常、自動車メーカーが将来を見据えたコンセプトやデザインを発表する場だ。しかし、2020年に北京で開催されたオート・チャイナ(Auto China)では、見たことがあるような車がいくつか展示されていた。中国のソンサン・モーターズ (Songsan Motors)は、1958年式シボレー・コルベットをモデルにしたスポーツカー「SSドルフィン(SS Dolphin)」を展示した。

情報源: コルベットにそっくりな中国製ハイブリッドカーが登場。本家GMの反応は… | Business Insider Japan

功能手册 2021款松散机车SS DOLPHIN 1.5T 复古插电混动基本型, 1:55


商標登録insideNews: 不正な商標出願は排除 意匠権 25年間保護―日英の知財ルール | 時事ドットコム


情報源: 不正な商標出願は排除 意匠権、25年間保護―日英の知財ルール:時事ドットコム