商標登録insideNews: Namibia joins TMclass | EUIPO

As of 13 August 2021, the Namibian Business and Intellectual Property Authority (BIPA) will be included in TMclass. BIPA will join with the alphabetical list of the Nice classification.The inclusion of BIPA in TMclass brings the total number of participating national and regional IP offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and the EUIPO, to 86.

情報源: Namibia joins TMclass


商標登録insideNews: New USPTO Trademark Manual | Fox Rothschild LLP – JDSupra

ICYMI, a new Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure (TMEP) was released by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) last month.  The July 2021 revision replaces and supersedes the October 2018 version, and it incorporates final rules, examination guides, and Supreme Court decisions that have issued since then. 

情報源: New USPTO Trademark Manual | Fox Rothschild LLP – JDSupra

Change Summary (INDEX TO CHANGES IN TMEP July 2021)


商標登録insideNews: “A quantum leap forward for Fiji brand protection” – praise for first new Trademarks Act in 90 years | World Trademark Review

At present, the Fiji Trademarks Act was implemented in 1933 and was based on the UK Trademarks Act of 1905. It has broadly remained unchanged ever since. The biggest issue for modern practitioners is Fiji not being a member of the Nice Agreement, meaning it does not use the International Classification of Goods and Services. Instead, it uses a version of the 1938 British Classification system – a system that is particularly dated in 2021 (it has only 50 different goods classes and 10 subclasses, no service classes, and some archaic categorisations, such as Fijian class 22 being for ‘carriages’ and Fijian class 8 being for ‘philosophical instruments’).That is now set to change. At the end of August 2021, the new Fijian Trademarks Act 2021 was gazetted, with a commencement date set to be announced soon. It is understood the new law is similar to the New Zealand Trademarks Act 2002 (which itself is similar to the Singapore Trademarks Act 1998 and the United Kingdom Trademarks Act 1994), although differences are expected when the full act is published in due course.

情報源: “A quantum leap forward for Fiji brand protection” – praise for first new Trademarks Act in 90 years | World Trademark Review

Fiji Trademark Act 1933

商標登録insideNews:「野球拳おどり」商標登録 松山市が発祥 | 産経ニュース


情報源: 「野球拳おどり」商標登録 松山市が発祥 – 産経ニュース


情報源: 「野球拳おどり」松山市と商工会議所の商標出願を認める|NHK 愛媛のニュース

登録日:令和3(2021)年 8月 26日
出願日:令和2(2020)年 9月 25日
41 祭りの企画・運営又は開催



商標登録insideNews: 「野球拳」がもとの「野球拳おどり」商標登録出願 松山市など | NHKニュース

商標登録insideNews:「岩下の新生姜」定番パッケージを変更 類似品との違い強調|下野新聞 SOON(スーン)

岩下の新生姜 パッケージ変更


情報源: 「岩下の新生姜」定番パッケージを変更 類似品との違い強調|県内主要,経済|下野新聞「SOON」ニュース|下野新聞 SOON(スーン)


なるほど!しんしょうが!~岩下の新生姜が出来るまで~, 3:02 岩下の新生姜 パッケージ変更


栃木 地域ブランド・商標登録 全国ご当地名産品 vol.9

Iwashita Foods will renew the package design and bag shape of its main product, “Iwashita Shinshoga.” Distinguish our own products from similar products and take measures to protect consumers.

商標登録insideNews: Nissan Has Also Filed New Skyline Trademarks | Roadandtrack.com

Back in July, Ford surprised the automotive world by submitting a filing for the Skyline name with the US Patent and Trade Office. It was a shock, mostly because Nissan has been producing world-famous performance coupes under the Skyline and Skyline GT-R names since the 1960s. That led the company to fire back, filing a trademark of its own for use of the Skyline name in the U.S. on model cars and minicars on August 26th. It also trademarked the name for full-sized cars in Canada on August 25th.

情報源: Nissan Has Also Filed New Skyline Trademarks

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Nissan Has Also Filed New Skyline Trademarks | Roadandtrack.com”

商標登録insideNews: 偽「ムヒ」許しません 池田模範堂が中国で勝訴(北日本新聞) | Yahoo!ニュース

ムヒ 侵害訴訟勝訴


情報源: 偽「ムヒ」許しません 池田模範堂が中国で勝訴(北日本新聞) – Yahoo!ニュース

池田模範堂製品の模倣品に関するご注意ムヒ 侵害訴訟勝訴

2022年 ムヒER TVCM「実況」篇、0:15 

2022年 ムヒER TVCM「実況」篇

中国商標制度 vol.1
中国商標制度 vol.2
Ikeda Mohando, a pharmaceutical company, filed a lawsuit against two Chinese companies on the 1st, accusing them of infringing on their trademarks by counterfeit products of Muhi, a medicine for itching and insect bites manufactured and sold in China. announced that it had won the lawsuit.

商標登録insideNews: 中国、電子商取引法の修正を提案 知的財産権の保護を強化 | Reuters


情報源: UPDATE 1-中国、電子商取引法の修正を提案 知的財産権の保護を強化 | Reuters


情報源: 市场监管总局拟修改电子商务法,规范平台内经营者实施侵犯知识产权行为_通知


中华人民共和国电子商务法(現行) 第四十三条、第八十四条
第四十三条 平台内经营者接到转送的通知后,可以向电子商务平台经营者提交不存在侵权行为的声明。声明应当包括不存在侵权行为的初步证据。电子商务平台经营者接到声明后,应当将该声明转送发出通知的知识产权权利人,并告知其可以向有关主管部门投诉或者向人民法院起诉。电子商务平台经营者在转送声明到达知识产权权利人后十五日内,未收到权利人已经投诉或者起诉通知的,应当及时终止所采取的措施。

第八十四条 电子商务平台经营者违反本法第四十二条、第四十五条规定,对平台内经营者实施侵犯知识产权行为未依法采取必要措施的,由有关知识产权行政部门责令限期改正;逾期不改正的,处五万元以上五十万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,处五十万元以上二百万元以下的罚款。


商標登録insideNews:「マツモトキヨシ♪」の音商標認める 節目になる判決か | 朝日新聞デジタル


情報源: 「マツモトキヨシ♪」の音商標認める 節目になる判決か:朝日新聞デジタル

江崎グリコ/LIBERA cacao50、0:22

江崎グリコ/LIBERA cacao50

商標登録insideNews:「マツモトキヨシ」も不可 登録認められない氏名商標| 日本経済新聞

商標登録insideNews: Registering your name as a trade mark in Thailand is simple, right? | Rouse

Brand owners, celebrities, designers and other well-known figures, usually prefer to use their names as their trade mark. This helps the public easily recognise and differentiate their products from competitors. As easy as it sounds to register your name as a trade mark, registering such marks in Thailand may not be that straight forward.

情報源: Rouse – Registering your name as a trade mark in Thailand is simple, right?