Taiwan Intellectual Property Office, TIPO, was established in 1999 as an agency that combines patent, trademark, copyright, IC layout, and trade secret authorities. TIPO is responsible for IP policy formulation, IP law drafting, and inter-agency enforcement coordination.
音楽用電子機器を販売するズーム(東京都千代田区)は9月17日、米Zoom Video Communications(ZVC)のWeb会議システム「Zoom」が同社の登録商標を侵害しているとして、日本でZoomを提供しているNEC子会社のNECネッツエスアイに対して侵害行為の差し止めを求める訴訟を、東京地方裁判所に提起したと発表した。損害賠償は請求せず「和解金などでの解決を排除する姿勢」を見せている。
米Zoom Video Communicationsの商標は出願中(商願2020-61572)で、拒絶理由が通知されており、特許庁には意見書も提出されています。意見書内では本件のズーム社の商標(登録第4940899号)とは類似していないとの主張があります。ズーム社にはもう1つ商標登録(第2445969号)がありますが、指定商品が9類では電子楽器用自動演奏プログラムを記憶させた電子回路及びCD-ROM,メトロノーム,レコード,蓄音機(電気蓄音機を除く)で、コンピュータソフトウェア(電子応用機械器具及びその部品)は含まれていません。
The Lexus GX might welcome a new powertrain under its hood in the coming years if a recent trademark registered by Toyota in Costa Rica is anything to go by. The Japanese automaker filed to register the “GX550” mark with the Central American country, where Lexus currently sells its full line of SUVs, on September 7, 2021
Found in US TESS. COSTA RICA(2021-008163), Georgea(114534)
Word Mark GX550
Goods and Services: automobiles and structural parts thereof
Standard Characters Claimed
Serial Number 97014772
Filing Date September 7, 2021
Current Basis 1B
Original Filing Basis 1B
Notice of 7 September 2021 – concerning the Second Act to Simplify and Modernise Patent Law (Zweites Gesetz zur Vereinfachung und Modernisierung des Patentrechts) of 10 August 2021 and the Act on Further Duties of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office and to Revise the Patent Costs Act (Gesetz über weitere Aufgaben des Deutschen Patent- und Markenamts und zur Änderung des Patentkostengesetzes) of 30 August 2021 – Contents of the notice
a) Harmonisation with the current legal situation of the Madrid system (entry into force: 1 May 2022)
The Trade Mark Act, the Trade Mark Ordinance (Markenverordnung) and the schedule of fees are brought into line with the current legal situation of the Madrid system (sections 107 et seq. of the Trade Mark Act, section 25 No. 31, sections 43, 45 and 46 (1) of the Trade Mark Ordinance, Part A section III No. 5 of the annex to section 2 (1) of the Patent Costs Act). Since 31 October 2015, all members of the Madrid Agreement are also members of the Protocol to the Madrid Agreement. Due to the fact that the Protocol to the Madrid Agreement takes priority over the Madrid Agreement, the international registration of marks is now only governed by the Protocol to the Madrid Agreement. This is taken into account by the amendments.
b) Clarifying the calculation of the duration of protection in the Trade Mark Act (entry into force: 18 August 2021)
The provisions on the duration of protection in the Trade Mark Act and in the European Union Trade Mark Regulation will be completely harmonised as regards their wording. In order to facilitate the calculation of the time limit, it is clarified by means of the harmonisation that section 47 (1) of the Trade Mark Act – just as the European Union Trade Mark Regulation – refers to a time period that is triggered by an event. The calculation of the duration of protection will not be changed as a result of the amendment.
6. Fee provisions
e) Switching back from the "one-class model" to the "three-class model" for the conversion of a European Union trade mark into a national trade mark (entry into force: 1 May 2022)
For the conversion of a European Union trade mark into a national trade mark, what is known as the “three-class model” will be reintroduced into the fee system (part A, section III, No. 5 of the annex to section 2 (1) of the Patent Costs Act). Under the up to now applicable "one-class model", the conversion of European Union trade marks into national trade marks results in higher fees compared to a national trade mark application, for which the "three-class model" applies, although the examination effort is basically the same. This will be remedied by the amendment.
Absolute deadline for filing corresponding UK Applications expires on 30 September 2021 If you are the owner of an EU Trade Mark Application or Registration that was pending on 1 January 2021, and if the UK is a territory of interest to you, then please sit up and take note. The deadline to take action and to file corresponding UK Applications will expire on 30 September 2021. This deadline is absolute. If you don’t take action, your EU Mark will no longer have effect in the UK.