商標登録insideNews: 期間徒過後の救済規定に係る回復要件が「正当な理由があること」から「故意によるものでないこと」に緩和されます | 特許庁



情報源: 期間徒過後の救済規定に係る回復要件が「正当な理由があること」から「故意によるものでないこと」に緩和されます | 経済産業省 特許庁

商標登録insideNews:「期間徒過後の救済規定に係るガイドライン」の改訂について | 特許庁故意でなければ期間徒過の救済へ

令和5年4月1日以降に優先期間を徒過した国際出願の優先権の回復(「故意ではない」基準)について | 経済産業省 特許庁 PCT国際出願の優先権の回復です。


  • 特許 212,100円
  • 実用新案 21,800円
  • 意匠 24,500円
  • 商標 86,400円


According to the Act for Partial Revision of the Patent Act, etc. (Act No. 42 of 2021), which will be partially enforced on April 1, 2023, restoration requirements related to relief provisions after the expiration of the period will be relaxed from “justifiable grounds” to “not intentional (hereinafter referred to as “unintentional criteria”)”, and payment of a recovery fee will be required.

商標登録insideNews: Registration Of Geographical Indications Now Possible In Philippines | mondaq.com

IPOPHL begins accepting GI filings

After many years of deliberation, applications for Geographical Indications (GIs) are now being accepted by the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL). This follows regulations that were issued in October 2022 which established Philippines’ first GI registration system.

情報源: Registration Of Geographical Indications Now Possible In Philippines – Trademark – PhilippinesIPOPHL begins accepting GI filings

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Registration Of Geographical Indications Now Possible In Philippines | mondaq.com”

商標登録insideNews: [NEWS] CNIPA Issues The Revised Draft Of The Trademark Law | mondaq.com

CNIPA issues the revised draft of TM law

The State Intellectual Property Office (CNIPA) promoted the revision of the Trademark Law of the People’s Republic of China and on January 13, 2023, issued the Amendment to the Trademark Law (Draft for Comments), which is now open for comments.Specific opinions on the revision and improvement of the Draft for Comments must be submitted before February 27, 2023.

情報源: [NEWS] CNIPA Issues The Revised Draft Of The Trademark Law – Trademark – China

国家知识产权局 通知 国家知识产权局关于《中华人民共和国商标法修订草案(征求意见稿)》公开征求意见的通知CNIPA issues the revised draft of TM law

CNIPA、「商標法改正草案(意見募集稿)」を公表 |JETRO


商標登録insideNews: Hermes wins US trademark trial over ‘MetaBirkin’ NFTs | CNN Style

Jury rules against the artist of MetaBirkin NFTs

A Manhattan federal jury on Wednesday concluded that an artist’s non-fungible token versions of Hermes’ famous Birkin bags violated the French fashion house’s trademark rights.In one of the first intellectual-property trials over the popular digital tokens known as NFTs, the jury found artist Mason Rothschild’s unauthorized “MetaBirkins” were likely to confuse consumers.

情報源: Hermes wins US trademark trial over ‘MetaBirkin’ NFTs – CNN Style

「エルメス(HERMES)」の“バーキン(Birkin)”を模したNFTアート“メタバーキン(MetaBirkins)”の商標権侵害などを巡る裁判で、9人の陪審員は「エルメス」の主張を認め、 “メタバーキン”を製作・販売したメイソン・ロスチャイルド(Mason Rothschild)に対して、計13万3000ドル(約1755万円)の損害賠償を命じた。

情報源: “メタバーキン”訴訟、陪審員は「エルメス」を支持 NFTアート製作者は「壊れた司法制度」と徹底抗戦の構え – WWDJAPAN

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商標登録insideNews: As Supreme Court Case on Extraterritorial Trademark Disputes Heats Up, ABA Asks Justices to Consider 3-Part Test | ipwatchdog.com

Extraterritorial TM Disputes

The American Bar Association (ABA) filed an amicus brief on February 3 with the U.S. Supreme Court asking the Court to clarify issues related to the application of the Lanham Act to trademark disputes that cross international borders.

情報源: As Supreme Court Case on Extraterritorial Trademark Disputes Heats Up, ABA Asks Justices to Consider Three-Part TestExtraterritorial TM Disputes

Abitron Austria GmbH v. Hetronic International, Inc.
U.S. Supreme Court
Amicus Brief filed by American Bar Association (ABA)
米国連邦商標法、不正競争、登録商標及び未登録商標の保護(§32, §43)

(2023.2.16 追記)
The Vanity Fair test, derived from Vanity Fair Mills, Inc. v. T. Eaton Co., 234 F.2d 633 (2d Cir. 1956), considers three factors: (1) whether the defendant is a United States citizen; (2) whether there was a conflict with trademark rights established under the relevant law of the foreign jurisdiction; and (3) whether the defendant’s conduct has a “substantial effect on United States commerce.” Vanity Fair, 234 F.2d at 642. (Extraterritorial TM Disputes)

外国人はVanity Fair testの最初のテスト、United States citizenに該当しないため、Vanity Fair testを採用する裁判管轄であっても問題は生じないことになりそうです。

商標登録insideNews: Rolex failed to block a crown trademark for clothing in the EU | EUIPO twitter

Rolex failed to block a crown trademark for clothing

Rolex failed to block a crown trademark for clothing

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Rolex failed to block a crown trademark for clothing in the EU | EUIPO twitter”

商標登録insideNews: Mauritius Joins the Madrid System | WIPO

Mauritius Joins the Madrid System

Mauritius Joins the Madrid System

Mauritius has joined the Madrid System, rounding up the number of countries covered by WIPO’s international trademark system to 130. The Government of Mauritius deposited its instrument of accession to the Madrid Protocol with WIPO Director General, Daren Tang on February 6, 2023. Mauritius is the 114th member of the Madrid System. Its accession further strengthens the Madrid System’s status as a truly global option for trademark protection, and particularly in the Eastern Africa and Indian Ocean Regions.

情報源: Mauritius Joins the Madrid System

The Madrid Protocol will enter into force in Mauritius on May 6, 2023.

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Mauritius Joins the Madrid System | WIPO”

商標登録insideNews: New Trademarks Law Anticipated In Myanmar In March 2023 – Myanmar | Mondaq.com

New Myanmer Trademarks Law Anticipated in March

On 12 January 2023, the Department of Intellectual Property of Myanmar (“DIPM”) under the Ministry of Commerce (“MOC”) issued a notice stating that the new Trade Mark Law (2019) is anticipated to come into force in March 2023. This Update highlights what parties should be aware of regarding the Trade Mark Law (2019) and the applicable procedures and requirements.

情報源: New Trademarks Law Anticipated In Myanmar In March 2023 – Trademark – Myanmar


New Myanmer Trademarks Law Anticipated in March
Yangon, Myanmer

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: New Trademarks Law Anticipated In Myanmar In March 2023 – Myanmar | Mondaq.com”

商標登録insideNews: とままえメロン、地域団体商標取得 留萌管内初 農協「知名度向上図る」| 北海道新聞デジタル

とままえメロン 地団登録


情報源: とままえメロン、地域団体商標取得 留萌管内初 農協「知名度向上図る」:北海道新聞デジタル

苫前町の特産品紹介 農産加工品等, 4:15

苫前町の特産品紹介 農産加工品等

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: とままえメロン、地域団体商標取得 留萌管内初 農協「知名度向上図る」| 北海道新聞デジタル”