商標登録insideNews:「不正競争防止法等の一部を改正する法律の一部の施行期日を定める政令」が閣議決定されました | 経済産業省




情報源: 「不正競争防止法等の一部を改正する法律の一部の施行期日を定める政令」が閣議決定されました (METI/経済産業省)

(2)コロナ禍・デジタル化に対応した知的財産手続等の整備 在外者へ査定結果等の書類を郵送できない場合に公表により送付したとみなすなど送達制度を整備します。【特許法】

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews:「不正競争防止法等の一部を改正する法律の一部の施行期日を定める政令」が閣議決定されました | 経済産業省”

商標登録insideNews: 阪神・岡田監督の〝代名詞〟「そらそうよ」商標登録 | サンスポ

阪神タイガース そらそうよ 商標登録

阪神タイガース そらそうよ 商標登録


情報源: 阪神・岡田監督の〝代名詞〟「そらそうよ」商標登録 – サンスポ

登録日:令和5(2023)年 6月 22日
出願日:令和4(2022)年 11月 28日

権利者 氏名又は名称:株式会社阪神タイガース
商品及び役務の区分並びに指定商品又は指定役務 24, 25. 35. 41


続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: 阪神・岡田監督の〝代名詞〟「そらそうよ」商標登録 | サンスポ”

商標登録insideNews: 申請手続及び発送手続のデジタル化について | 特許庁



情報源: 申請手続及び発送手続のデジタル化について | 経済産業省 特許庁申請及び発送手続のデジタル化


  • 特許(登録)証[四法]
  • 年金領収書[四法]
  • 自動納付関係通知
  • 商標更新申請登録通知書
  • 移転登録済通知書[四法]
  • 識別番号通知書
  • 包括委任状番号通知



商標登録insideNews: 特許庁関係手続における押印の見直しについて | 特許庁

The JPO will add a new function that enables electronic filing of application procedures and a function that enables online shipping to the Internet application software in the future.

商標登録insideNews: On Your Side: Trademark dispute pits small local business against big corporation – CBS Los Angeles

Oura trademark dispute

A small business created by two Orange County brothers is taking on a multibillion-dollar global company, because that company wants the local business to change its name. On Your Side’s Kristine Lazar has the details of this trademark dispute.

情報源: On Your Side: Trademark dispute pits small local business against big corporation – CBS Los AngelesOura trademark dispute

Trademark dispute pits O.C. company against big corporation, 3:48

Trademark dispute pits O.C. company against big corporation

米国連邦商標法、不正競争、登録商標及び未登録商標の保護(§32, §43)

商標登録insideNews: Trademark Infringement is No Joke!: Jack Daniel’s Properties, Inc. v. VIP Products LLC | Ward and Smith, P.A. | JDSupra

SCT favored Jack Daniel over dog toy dispute

Today the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of Jack Daniel’s in a dispute over a humorous squeaky dog toy called “Bad Spaniels.” The Court remanded the case to the Ninth Circuit to reconsider the trademark infringement and dilution claims, holding that because VIP Products used “Bad Spaniels” as a trademark: (1) the Rogers test for artistic works (discussed below) does not apply; and (2) the noncommercial use exclusion – that exempts parody from dilution – also does not apply. 

情報源: Trademark Infringement is No Joke!: Jack Daniel’s Properties, Inc. v. VIP Products LLC | Ward and Smith, P.A. – JDSupraSCT favored Jack Daniel over dog toy dispute

Supreme Court hears trademark case involving Jack Daniel’s and dog toys, 4:38

Supreme Court hears trademark case involving Jack Daniel's and dog toys

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Trademark Infringement is No Joke!: Jack Daniel’s Properties, Inc. v. VIP Products LLC | Ward and Smith, P.A. | JDSupra”

商標登録insideNews: Apple’s “Vision Pro” Faces Trademark Uncertainty In Chinese Market | SPARROWS NEWS

Huawei owns Vision Pro trademark in China

During Apple’s recent WWDC23 developer conference, the tech giant officially unveiled its highly anticipated spatial computing headset, the “Vision Pro.” Integrating both virtual reality and augmented reality features, the innovative device is set to make its debut in the United States early next year. However, Apple might encounter an unexpected hurdle in the Chinese market due to a prior trademark registration by Huawei.

情報源: Apple’s “Vision Pro” Faces Trademark Uncertainty In Chinese Market | SPARROWS NEWS

Introducing Apple Vision Pro. 9:21

Introducing Apple Vision Pro

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Apple’s “Vision Pro” Faces Trademark Uncertainty In Chinese Market | SPARROWS NEWS”

商標登録insideNews: Supreme Court will hear attempt to trademark ‘Trump Too Small’ | The Washington Post

US Supreme Court will hear a free speech appeal on trademark “Trump Too Small”

US Supreme Court will hear a free speech appeal

The Supreme Court on Monday said it will consider whether a California attorney has a free-speech right to trademark the phrase “Trump Too Small” for use on T-shirts that mock the former president and build on locker-room taunts from the 2016 Republican presidential primary.

情報源: Supreme Court will hear attempt to trademark ‘Trump Too Small’ – The Washington Post

T-shirt Selling site

A man wants to trademark ‘Trump too small’ for T-shirts. Supreme Court to hear case, 2:56

A man wants to trademark ‘Trump too small’ for T-shirts. Supreme Court to hear case


The Supreme Court agreed to review the US Patent & Trademark Office’s (PTO) challenge to a February 2022 ruling by the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. In the ruling at issue, th

情報源: TRUMP TOO SMALL goes to Supreme Court Trademark Dispute

商標登録insideNews: 「ルイ・ヴィトン」のパロディーブランド訴訟 最高裁へ│WWD JAPAN
商標登録insideNews: Supreme Court: Rejecting trademarks that ‘disparage’ others violates the First Amendment – The Washington Post
商標登録insideNews:「アジア人中傷」バンド名訴訟、米最高裁へ – SankeiBiz(サンケイビズ)

商標登録insideNews: 修正「聲明不專用審查基準」及「無須聲明不專用例示事項」,並自中華民國112年8月1日生效。| TIPO

台湾智慧財產局 権利不要求についての審査基準改定


情報源: 經濟部智慧財產局-最新消息-布告欄-修正「聲明不專用審查基準」及「無須聲明不專用例示事項」,並自中華民國112年8月1日生效。


Taiwan, Liberty Square Arch
(台湾 自由廣場)

聲明不專用審查基準畫線公告版 (権利不要求についての審査基準 2023.8.1運用開始)台湾智慧財產局 権利不要求についての審査基準改定
台湾商標制度 vol.1

The applicant should declare that he does not claim exclusive use of the “disclaimed part” that should not be registered separately by law rights, so that the overall distinctive trademark can be reserved for those parts that cannot be registered separately.