商標登録InsideNews: イチゴ「スカイベリー」日本産また“標的” 中国で第三者商標登録|日本農業新聞




情報源: 日本農業新聞(オリジナル) – イチゴ「スカイベリー」 日本産また“標的” 中国で第三者商標登録 | news.livedoor.com/

続きを読む“商標登録InsideNews: イチゴ「スカイベリー」日本産また“標的” 中国で第三者商標登録|日本農業新聞”

商標登録insidenews: New law boosts trade mark registrations : CNS Business

The updated legislative framework allows for companies and individuals to register their trade marks in Cayman in a cost-effective and timely manner. Previously, the brands would be registered in the UK and then the holder would apply to get that extended to Cayman, a process, though straightforward, that could prove timely and expensive.

情報源: New law boosts trade mark registrations : CNS Business

[コメント] ケイマン諸島での商標登録は、従前は英国知的財産庁や欧州連合知的財産庁で登録して、それを確認する形式で行われてきましたが、2017年8月1日からの新しい法律の下では直接の出願が可能となり、費用も安く早く登録できるように改善されています。


商標登録insideNews: パンダの名前、最終8候補に「商標登録防止で非公表」 | 朝日新聞デジタル

命名 パンダ 絞り込み


情報源: パンダの名前、最終8候補に 「商標登録防止で非公表」:朝日新聞デジタル

[コメント] パンダの赤ちゃん誕生という微笑ましい話題にも、商魂の文字がちらつき、現実的な一面もありです。

赤ちゃんパンダに名前をつけて! 28日から公募へ(17/07/07) 命名 パンダ 絞り込み

赤ちゃんパンダに名前をつけて! 28日から公募へ(17/07/07)

商標登録insideNews: カタカナ9文字以内 上野動物園の双子パンダ名前を7日から募集開始 |日刊スポーツ
The Tokyo metropolitan government announced on the 31st that it has narrowed down the names of the baby giant pandas born in June at the Ueno Zoo (Taito Ward, Tokyo) to eight out of 320,000 that were submitted.

商標登録insideNews: You can’t trademark yellow, Cheerios | NewsCut | Minnesota Public Radio News

The Cheerios’ shade of yellow isn’t “inherently distinctive” enough to qualify for a trademark, the federal Trademark Trial and Appeal Board ruled this week. General Mills had spent the past two years trying to trademark “the color yellow appearing as the predominant uniform background color” on Cheerios boxes, Ars Technica reports. Turns out the Cheerios…

情報源: You can’t trademark yellow, Cheerios | NewsCut | Minnesota Public Radio News



cheerio box

Goods and Services IC 030. US 046. G & S: Toroidal-shaped, oat-based breakfast cereal. FIRST USE: 19410503. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 19410503
Mark Drawing Code (2) DESIGN ONLY
Design Search Code 19.05.25 – Boxes, cardboard (packing or storage); Cartons, packing or storage; Dumpster; Freight containers; Other large containers; Pallets for storing or moving cargo or freight ; shipping containers
Serial Number 86757390
Filing Date September 15, 2015
Current Basis 1A
Original Filing Basis 1A
Owner (APPLICANT) General Mills IP Holdings II, LLC LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY DELAWARE Number One General Mills Blvd. Minneapolis MINNESOTA 55426
Attorney of Record William G. Barber
Description of Mark The color(s) yellow is/are claimed as a feature of the mark. The mark consists of the color yellow appearing as the predominant uniform background color on product packaging for the goods. The dotted outline of the packaging shows the position of the mark and is not claimed as part of the mark.
Type of Mark TRADEMARK
Register PRINCIPAL-2(F)
Live/Dead Indicator LIVE

商標登録insideNews: New Balance Wins $1.5 Million in Landmark China Trademark Case – The New York Times

New Balance Wins in China

BEIJING — A Chinese court has ruled that three domestic shoemakers must pay New Balance $1.5 million in damages and legal costs for infringing the American sportswear company’s signature slanting “N” logo, in what lawyers said was the largest trademark infringement award ever granted to a foreign business in China.

情報源: New Balance Wins $1.5 Million in Landmark China Trademark Case – The New York Times

[コメント] トランプ大統領の中国に対する知的財産侵害で制裁措置をとの宣言に呼応して、その3日後に判決が出されたと記事は伝えています。

中国のニューバランス模造品製造者に最高額150万ドルの賠償命令 20170828 New Balance Wins in China

中国のニューバランス模造品製造者に最高額150万ドルの賠償命令 20170828

商標登録insideNews: New Balance Court Ruling in China Is Rare Win Against Piracy – 纽约时报中文网 国际纵览

商標登録insideNews: Colorado company accuses e-commerce companies of trademark infringement | Northern California Record

Otter Products LLC of Fort Collins filed a complaint Aug. 7 in U.S. District Court for the Central District of California against Michelle J. Blaiwes, Max N. Langen and Does 1-10, alleging they sell counterfeit copies of the plaintiff’s products.

情報源: Colorado company accuses e-commerce companies of trademark infringement | Northern California Record

OtterBox Pursuit Series for iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus、0:15

商標登録insideNews: Rosneft trademark declared notorious in Russia | Russian Legal Information Agency (RAPSI).

Russian patent agency, Rospatent, has granted a request filed by the country’s largest oil corporation Rosneft and recognized its trademark as notorious for several classes of goods related to oil industry, the agency’s documents read on Monday.

情報源: Rosneft trademark declared notorious in Russia | Russian Legal Information Agency (RAPSI).

The Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property, commonly known as Rospatent (Russian: Федеральная служба по интеллектуальной собственности, Federalnaya sluzhba po intellektualnoi sobstvennosti, ロシア特許商標庁), is a Russian governmental agency in charge of intellectual property. Its former name was “Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks (Rospatent)”(from wikipedia).

商標登録insideNews: Madrid timeline: August 2018 – Rishad Bathiudeen

スリランカ マドリッド制度への準備

スリランカ マドリッド制度への準備

Sri Lanka has appointed an eminent legal personality and a time-honoured expert in Intellectual Property (IP) to lead the country’s historic accession to the international trademark system called the Madrid Protocol. And the accession is slated to be completed by August next year. “We thank you for your contribution to the development of our intellectual … Continue reading Madrid timeline: August 2018 →

情報源: Madrid timeline: August 2018 – Rishad Bathiudeen


各国商標データベース (国内外知的財産関連138機関) 地域ブロック別int-icon

商標登録insideNews: Supreme Court asked to nullify the Google trademark | Ars Technica

Is the term “google” too generic and therefore unworthy of its trademark protection? That’s the question before the US Supreme Court. Words like teleprompter, thermos, hoover, aspirin, and videotape were once trademarked. They lost the status after their names became too generic and fell victim to what is known as “genericide.”

情報源: Supreme Court asked to nullify the Google trademark | Ars Technica

[コメント] 日本では、検索するの意味の”ぐぐる”とGoogleは区別されていると思いますが、それが英語になると、動詞と社名の境界がぼやけてしまうということかも知れません。カリフォルニア州の9th Court of Appealでは、普通名称化(genericide)されていないと判断されましたが、今回は最高裁ですので、どうなるかというところです。最高裁は、certiorari(サーシオレイリイ)ですので、聞く聞かないの裁量について数カ月で判断されます。