商標登録insideNews: かっぱえびせん「やめられない、とまらない!」を考えたのは私 生みの親がカルビーを提訴 (デイリー新潮) – Yahoo!ニュース


情報源: かっぱえびせん「やめられない、とまらない!」を考えたのは私 生みの親がカルビーを提訴 (デイリー新潮) – Yahoo!ニュース

[コメント] 今の実務では、キャッチコピーもスローガンとして商標登録可能です。実際のところ、スローガンの商標登録は、競合他社への防衛というところが大きいと思われ、キャッチコピーの創作者の認定(創作者の記載欄なし)には用いられないでしょう。誰が作ったかでもめている場合は、その依頼の契約書に記載される権利の帰属を参照することになりそうです。

商標登録insideNews: USPTO Director Nominee Andrei Iancu has Confirmation Hearing Before the Senate Judiciary Committee – IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Patent Law

On the afternoon of Wednesday, November 29th, the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary held a hearing to consider the nomination of four political appointees from the Trump Administration. Included among the days’ nominees was Andrei Iancu, President Trump’s selection to serve as Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Though the nomination hearing was brief and Iancu’s remarks were very measured, there would be reason for patent owners to think that a more balanced playing field at the USPTO could start to form should Iancu be confirmed as Director of the agency.

情報源: USPTO Director Nominee Andrei Iancu has Confirmation Hearing Before the Senate Judiciary Committee – IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Patent Law

上院司法委員会、Andrei Iancu 氏を USPTO 長官として承認するための公聴会を開催

商標登録insideNews: German court annuls Nespresso shape trademark | WIPR

The Bundespatentgericht, Germany’s Federal Patent Court, has annulled a 3D trademark owned by Swiss food company Nestlé. On Friday, December 8, the Bundespatentgericht announced that it had annulled a shape mark for the Nespresso coffee capsule covering coffee in mid-November. The Nespresso machine uses the coffee capsules. The Patent Court found that the essential characteristics of the trademark conformed with the drawings of the external features of German patent DE 27,52,733, covering a cartridge fo

情報源: German court annuls Nespresso shape trademark

商標登録insideNews: Shipper cleared of trademark infringement, Courts & Crime News & Top Stories – The Straits Times

Courts & Crime News -The companies behind glitzy brand names such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Burberry and Hermes have failed in their lawsuits against a Singapore freight forwarder involved in shipping fake goods from China via Singapore to Batam.. Read more at straitstimes.com.

情報源: Shipper cleared of trademark infringement, Courts & Crime News & Top Stories – The Straits Times

商標登録insideNews: 豊橋カレーうどん地域団体商標登録 | 東日新聞

豊橋カレーうどん 地団登録

豊橋市のご当地グルメ「豊橋カレーうどん」が、特許庁の地域団体商標の登録を受けた。お墨付きを得て、一般的な商品名に地域名を冠した「地域ブランド」としてさらなる展開を図る。 豊橋商工会議所が今年4月に申請し、10月27日付で登録された。愛知県内では16番目。

情報源: 豊橋カレーうどん地域団体商標登録 | 東日新聞

ボイメンの感動ごはん(ゴゴスマ)/7月12日放送/豊橋カレーうどん/愛知県豊橋市, 2:07


愛知 地域ブランド・商標登録 全国ご当地名産品 vol.23
Toyohashi City’s local gourmet “Toyohashi Curry Udon” has been registered as a regional collective trademark by the Patent Office. With the approval, we plan to further develop it as a “regional brand” with the name of the region added to the general product name.

商標登録insideNews: チケットキャンプがサービスを一時停止、商標法および不正競争防止法違反の容疑 | TechCrunch Japan


情報源: チケットキャンプがサービスを一時停止、商標法および不正競争防止法違反の容疑 | TechCrunch Japan

[コメント] これは商標権侵害というよりは、サイトで非売品のチケットを売っているということでしょう。捜査とありますので、刑事事件化しており、差止や損害賠償を求める民事とは異なります。類似か非類似かが絡むケースでは、裁判所の類否判断が必要ですので、即刑事事件化は先ずない筈です。

商標登録insideNews: Notice on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU | EUIPO


Notice on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU – EUTMs and RCDs The European Commission has prepared a Notice, countersigned by EUIPO, to holders of and applicants for European Union trade marks and Registered Community Designs in the context of the notification of the intention of the United Kingdom to withdraw from the European Union, submitted on 29 March 2017.   This Notice corresponds to a potential scenario in which no agreement is reached by the negotiating parties.

情報源: News – EUTM


The United Kingdom submitted on 29 March 2017 the notification of its intention to withdraw from the Union pursuant to Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union. This means that, unless a ratified withdrawal agreement establishes another date or the period is extended by the European Council in accordance with Article 50(3) of the Treaty on European Union, all Union primary and secondary law will cease to apply to the UK from 30 March 2019, 00:00h (CET) (“the withdrawal date”). The United Kingdom will then become a “third country”.

Subject to any transitional arrangement that may be contained in a possible withdrawal agreement, as of the withdrawal date, EU rules on EU trade marks and Community designs will no longer apply to the United Kingdom. As a result, EU trade marks and registered Community designs registered in accordance with Union law (Regulation (EU) 2017/1001 on the European Union trade mark and Regulation (EC) No 6/2002 on the Community designs) as well as unregistered Community designs made available to the public in the manner provided for in Union law (Regulation (EC) No 6/2002) before the withdrawal date will continue to be valid in the EU27 Member States but will no longer have effect in the United Kingdom as from the withdrawal date. Any application for an EU trade mark or for a registered Community design pending before the withdrawal date will no longer cover the United Kingdom as from that date. Any right granted by the European Union Intellectual Property Office on or after the withdrawal date will only cover the EU27 Member States. All existing seniority claims in EU trade marks based on national trade mark rights in the United Kingdom will cease to have an effect in the EU as from the withdrawal date.

In addition, the holders of international registrations of trade marks and designs having designated the European Union before the withdrawal date pursuant to the Madrid system for the international registration of marks, and the Hague system for the international deposit of industrial designs, should consider that, as from that date, those international registrations will continue to be valid in the EU27 Member States only and thus will no longer have effect in the United Kingdom. In this regard, holders of a European Union (EU) trade mark pursuant to Union law or of a registered Community design or of an unregistered Community Design pursuant to Union law, all applicants for an EU trade mark or for a registered Community design or any business operator who can potentially rely on such Regulations (hereinafter referred to as ‘right-holders and applicants’) are reminded that preparing for the withdrawal is not just a matter for European Union and national authorities, but also for private parties. In view of the considerable uncertainties, in particular concerning the content of a possible withdrawal agreement, all right-holders and applicants are reminded of certain legal repercussions stemming from currently applicable rules of Union law when the United Kingdom becomes a third country, and which need to be considered and anticipated.

In particular, the following should be considered by right-holders and applicants:
Natural or legal persons that are domiciled or have a seat in the United Kingdom only will have to be represented before the European Union Intellectual Property Office in accordance with Article 120(1) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1001 (on the
European Union trade mark) and Article 78(1) of the Regulation (EC) No 6/2002 (on Community designs) in all proceedings provided for in those two Regulations, other than the filing of an application for an EU trade mark or an application for a registered Community design.

iPadに酷似したXiaomiの「Mi Pad」、ヨーロッパで商標使用許可下りず – iPhone Mania

中国ベンダーXiaomiは2014年にiPadにそっくりなタブレットシリーズ「Mi Pad」の商標の使用許可をヨーロッパで申請しましたが、Appleの訴えにより差止められていました。5日、Xiaomiの不服申し立てが裁判所により退けられたことにより、同社はヨーロッパで「Mi Pad」の商標を使用できなくなったことが明らかになりました。

情報源: iPadに酷似したXiaomiの「Mi Pad」、ヨーロッパで商標使用許可下りず – iPhone Mania

Apple Inc. succeeded on Tuesday in preventing Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi Inc from registering its “Mi Pad” tablet computer as an EU trademark because the name was too similar to Apple’s “iPad.”

情報源: Apple’s iPad wins EU trademark case against Xiaomi’s ‘Mi Pad’ tablet computer

長~く使える妊婦用ベルト「商標侵害」 ピジョンを提訴:朝日新聞デジタル


情報源: 長~く使える妊婦用ベルト「商標侵害」 ピジョンを提訴:朝日新聞デジタル

