商標登録insideNews: Caterpillar Battling Small Coffee Shop Over Use of Cat in Trademark Case – Small Business Trends

When a multi-national corporation generating $54 billion (2018) goes after small business owners scratching out $150,000 for trademark infringement, it makes you wonder.This is the case being played out between Caterpillar (the multi-national) and Cat & Cloud (the small business). The reason it is getting so much attention is because Caterpillar is the world’s largest construction equipment manufacturer. And Cat & Cloud is a coffee shop in Santa Cruz, CA.

情報源: Caterpillar Battling Small Coffee Shop Over Use of Cat in Trademark Case – Small Business Trends

Cat & Cloud 5 Panel Hat | Looks Good On Everyone, 0:49

Let’s Do The Work | Caterpillar, 1:00

商標登録insideNews: 特産スイカでGI取得 JA鳥取中央とJA香川県|ニュース|JAの活動|JAcom 農業協同組合新聞

新GI登録 農林水産


情報源: 特産スイカでGI取得 JA鳥取中央とJA香川県|ニュース|JAの活動|JAcom 農業協同組合新聞

香川)四角スイカの出荷始まる 善通寺, 0:33

香川)四角スイカの出荷始まる 善通寺

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: 特産スイカでGI取得 JA鳥取中央とJA香川県|ニュース|JAの活動|JAcom 農業協同組合新聞”

商標登録insideNews: Canada’s trademark changes mean higher fees, more complexities in filing | Canadian Lawyer Mag

As of Monday, June 17, brand owners filing trademark applications will be paying more, as the amended Trade-marks Act and the new Trademarks Regulations come into force.At present, to file a trademark application, “regardless of the number of goods and services, regardless of the number of classes,” the fee is $250, says Janet Fuhrer of Ridout & Maybee LLP in Ottawa. As of Monday, she says, the base fee will be $330 for one class of goods and services and $100 for each additional class of services.

情報源: Canada’s trademark changes mean higher fees, more complexities in filing | Canadian Lawyer Mag

商標登録insideNews: Estonia Becomes the Second Baltic Country to Offer Madrid E-Filing to its Applicants | WIPO

Following the launch of Madrid e-filing in the Lithuanian IP Office in February, the IP Office of Estonia becomes the second Baltic State and the third Member this year to offer Madrid e-filing to its trademark community.

情報源: Estonia Becomes the Second Baltic Country to Offer Madrid E-Filing to its Applicants

Estonian Patent Office

商標登録insideNews: Tom Brady’s ‘Tom Terrific’ trademark request saddens Mets fans

Tom Terrific TM makes sad Mets fan

Tom Terrific TM makes sad Mets fan

As if New Yorkers needed another reason to hate Tom Brady. The hardly humble New England Patriots quarterback is seeking to trademark the moniker “Tom Terrific” — the same nickname bestowed upon legendary Mets’ Hall of Fame pitcher Tom Seaver.

情報源: Tom Brady’s ‘Tom Terrific’ trademark request saddens Mets fans

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商標登録insideNews: Metal band Iron Maiden launches $2 million trademark infringement lawsuit against Ion Maiden game – TechSpot

The holding company for British metal legends Iron Maiden isn’t too pleased with the similarities between the band’s name and 2018 first-person shooter Ion Maiden. The resemblance has led to it suing publisher 3D Realms for $2 million in damages.

情報源: Metal band Iron Maiden launches $2 million trademark infringement lawsuit against Ion Maiden game – TechSpot

Iron Maiden – Aces High (Official Video), 4:59

Ion Maiden Announcement Trailer, 0:58

商標登録insideNews: 品種を死守せよ!シャインマスカットの対中闘争 – 産経ニュース

シャインマスカット 品種を保護

シャインマスカット 品種を保護


情報源: 品種を死守せよ!シャインマスカットの対中闘争(1/2ページ) – 産経ニュース

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: 品種を死守せよ!シャインマスカットの対中闘争 – 産経ニュース”