Although the coronavirus has wreaked havoc on the U.S. economy, some people are looking to capitalize on it.
情報源: Pandemic prompts plenty of new trademark requests – Grand Rapids Business Journal
Although the coronavirus has wreaked havoc on the U.S. economy, some people are looking to capitalize on it.
情報源: Pandemic prompts plenty of new trademark requests – Grand Rapids Business Journal
Effective on May 20, 2020, we are starting a new initiative. You or your appointed agent might get a call from a trademark examiner asking for:Verbal permission to amend your application. A trademark examiner might call to ask for verbal permission to:add missing disclaimers related to the use of a trademarked colour system or the 11-point maple leaf. An electronic revised trademark application. A trademark examiner might call to ask you to send an amended trademark application, if:a registration symbol (example: “TM” or “MC”) needs to be removedtypographical errors need to be correctedthe entire mark is disclaimedpriority claims are not properly linked to an amended statement of goods and servicesthe statement of goods and services is improperly separated by punctuation (example: a displaced semicolon)the Nice Classification is incorrecta colour claim is incomplete
The Global Brand Database now includes the collections of Serbia with over 56,250 records and of Ukraine with 269,550 records.This brings to 61 the number of national/regional collections available in the Global Brand Database.
情報源: Trademarks from Serbia and Ukraine Added to the Global Brand Database
Under the CARES Act authority and its existing authority in Trademark and TTAB matters, the USPTO will direct relief to those who need it on a case-by-case basis, as described in the official notice.
情報源: USPTO grants further relief for certain trademark-related fees and deadlines | USPTO
[特許手続の救済]As stakeholders continue to navigate the effects of the pandemic in various ways, and as more and more of them are resuming operations, the USPTO will again extend certain deadlines.
情報源: USPTO grants further relief for certain patent-related fees and deadlines | USPTO
情報源: 立花孝志氏「ホリエモン」の商標登録「知らなかった」…堀江氏の著書宣伝説には(デイリースポーツ) – Yahoo!ニュース
登録日:平成18(2006)年 8月 18日
出願日:平成17(2005)年 3月 22日
氏名又は名称:SNS media&consulting株式会社
English soccer giants Manchester United are suing the Football Manager developers for inappropriate use of its branding and trademark.
情報源: Manchester United suing Football Manager dev for trademark infringement
マンチェスター・ユナイテッドは、クラブ名やエンブレム等の不当な使用によって商標権を侵害しているとして、『Football Manager』シリーズの発売元であるセガと、セガ子会社のデベロッパーのSports Interactiveを提訴した。
情報源: マンチェスター・ユナイテッドがセガを提訴。サッカーゲームで商標権を侵害しているとして | AUTOMATON
Football Manager 2020 Gameplay (PC HD) [1080p60FPS]
ARLINGTON, Va. – The Consortium for Common Food Names (CCFN), U.S. Dairy Export Council (USDEC), National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF), North American Meat Institute (NAMI), National Association of State Departments
Examination Guide 2-20
Marks Including Geographic Wording that Does Not Indicate Geographic Origin of Cheeses and Processed Meats
Huawei’s Mate line has evolved from being limited to just phones to include other products such as computers (MateBook) and tablets (MatePad). Now Huawei is ready to add smartwatches too.The Chinese tech giant filed a trademark application early this month for the brand name “Huawei Mate Watch”.
情報源: Huawei files trademark application for “Mate Watch” – Gizmochina
国际分类: 9
申请日期: 2020年05月06日
申请人名称: 华为技术有限公司
情報源: 種苗法改正「見送り」への賛否 農水相は「今の法制度では、海外流出は止められない」: J-CAST ニュース
種苗法改正案について 江藤農林水産大臣記者会見(令和2年5月19日), 11:45
情報源: 種苗法改正案“見送り”浮上に農家激怒! 「シャインマスカット」「あまおう」貴重な国産品種が海外流出危機 (2/2ページ) – zakzak:夕刊フジ公式サイト
February 2020 marked the first time that the Taiwan Supreme Court has remanded an IP Court decision in a trademark case. In Taiwan, trademark infringement is a criminal offence, for which the most severe sanction is up to three years’ imprisonment. Article 376-1 of the Criminal Procedure Act establishes, where the offence is imprisonment, detention or a fine, the case cannot be appealed to the third-instance court after a second-instance judgment has been issued. In the past, trademark infringement cases were tried at two instances only – the first by district court and the second by the IP Court, the judgment of which could not be appealed to the Supreme Court.
情報源: 以假亂真!金門警方跨海查獲4365瓶仿冒金門高粱酒 | 法律前線 | 社會 | 聯合新聞網
20200424 台灣記事簿 [ 金門高粱酒產業 ],37:56