商標登録insideNews: Canada: Updates on Language Requirements for Trademarks in Quebec and Cancellation Pilot Project for Trademark Registrations | jdsupra.com

New signage rules will be enacted in Québec, next June

Our friendly neighbors in the Great White North are implementing important changes in 2025 with respect to language requirements for trademarks and a new pilot project initiated by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (“CIPO”) to issue cancellation proceedings against trademark registrations based upon non-use.

情報源: Canada: Updates on Language Requirements for Trademarks in Quebec and Cancellation Pilot Project for Trademark Registrations

New signage rules will be enacted in Québec, next June

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Canada: Updates on Language Requirements for Trademarks in Quebec and Cancellation Pilot Project for Trademark Registrations | jdsupra.com”

商標登録insideNews: USPTO Show Cause Order to Cancel More Than 40,000 China-Originated Trademark Registrations, Shenzhen Responds | natlawreview.com

USPTO seeks cancellation of about 42k TM registrations

USPTO seeks cancellation of about 42k TM registrations
USPTO Entrance, Virgina

In a February 24, 2025 Show Cause Order against Shenzhen Seller Growth Network Technology Co., Ltd. et al., the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) announced that about 42,000 trademark registration decisions might be vacated and the application or post-registration proceedings reopened for a new determination to be made. For an initial registration decision, the registration will be cancelled and restored to pendency under its application serial number. The reopened proceeding is a proceeding that may be subject to termination.

情報源: USPTO Show Cause Order to Cancel More Than 40,000 China-Originated Trademark Registrations, Shenzhen Responds

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: USPTO Show Cause Order to Cancel More Than 40,000 China-Originated Trademark Registrations, Shenzhen Responds | natlawreview.com”

商標登録insideNews: インド裁判所、アマゾンに商標権侵害で賠償命令 3900万ドル | Reuters



インドの裁判所は、米アマゾン(AMZN.O), opens new tabの子会社が商標権を侵害した商品をインドの通販サイトで販売したとして39MUSD (約58億円)の損害賠償を命じた。裁判所の命令が26日明らかになった。ライフスタイル・エクイティーズ社が保有する「ビバリーヒルズポロクラブ」の商標権を侵害したとしている。インドの法律関係者によると、同国の商標権訴訟で米国企業に命じられた損害賠償としては過去最高額とみられる。

情報源:インド裁判所、アマゾンに商標権侵害で賠償命令 3900万ドル
続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: インド裁判所、アマゾンに商標権侵害で賠償命令 3900万ドル | Reuters”

商標登録insideNews: 2025-2026日中韓文化交流年ロゴマーク募集 | 文化庁


続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: 2025-2026日中韓文化交流年ロゴマーク募集 | 文化庁”

商標登録insideNews: Libya Implements Major Changes to Trademark Renewal Fees and Requirements | Inventa

Libya sets major changes to TM renewals

Libya has announced significant changes to its trademark renewal fees and procedures under Resolution no. 586 of 2024, issued on November 27, 2024. These changes affect both foreign and domestic businesses, introducing higher fees and more complex requirements. Under the new decree, the renewal fee for trademarks in Libya has seen a dramatic increase. The renewal cost is now set at US$2,000 per year, which brings the total renewal fee for a 10-year term to US$20,000. For foreign trademark holders, this represents a significant increase in costs, as businesses are now required to pay the new fee to renew their trademarks in Libya.

情報源: Libya Implements Major Changes to Trademark Renewal Fees and Requirements – Inventa

Libya sets major changes to TM renewals

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Libya Implements Major Changes to Trademark Renewal Fees and Requirements | Inventa”

商標登録insideNews: Pat Riley says he gives three-peat trademark revenue to charities | ESPN

three-peat TM revenue might have given to charities

Pat Riley’s three-peat trademarks could have led to the Miami Heat president getting a sizable payday if the Kansas City Chiefs had won their third consecutive Super Bowl. Turns out, the Basketball Hall of Famer doesn’t keep that money. Riley said he devotes his share of revenues gleaned from “three-peat” usage — he has had trademarks on that term for about 35 years — to various charitable organizations. Of particular importance to Riley and his wife, Chris Riley, are groups that help military veterans and their families, including the Special Operations Warrior Foundation in Tampa, Florida.

情報源: Pat Riley says he gives three-peat trademark revenue to charities – ESPN

three-peat TM revenue might have given to charities
続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Pat Riley says he gives three-peat trademark revenue to charities | ESPN”

商標登録insideNews: New EU Design Legislation – Welcome to the EU Design! | hoganlovells.com

New EU Design Legislation Enacted

The new EU design legislation has just been published in the EU Official Journal and will enter into force on 8 December 2024, after almost a decade of preparatory and legislative work.The aim of the new EU design legislation is to modernize the EU design system and to strengthen, simplify and harmonize existing design protection across the EU, while also aligning design protection with trade mark rules. With the reform, European design legislation should offer design protection that is fit for the era of digital designs and evolving technologies, including 3D printing. One of its aims is also to make the European spare parts aftermarket more open to competition.

情報源: New EU Design Legislation – Welcome to the EU Design!

New EU Design Legislation Enacted

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: New EU Design Legislation – Welcome to the EU Design! | hoganlovells.com”

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