シンガポール知的財産庁(IPOS) は、2017年4月1日施行で、特許、商標の出願料の減額や更新料を増額し、一部の費用は無料となっています。主な、変更点は、商標登録の出願料は事前採用された商品役務の一覧から指定商品、指定役務を選択する場合に$240 SGD (per class of goods or services)[従前は$341]に減額、更新登録は$380 SGD (per class of goods or services)[従前は$250]に増額、期間後の更新は$560 SGD、回復は$610 SGDに変更されます。個人代表の同意書の提出と、国内商標登録を国際登録に置き換える手続は無料となります。
We’re launching our new Australian Trade Mark Search tool this Friday 10 February at Pause Fest 2017, an event for creative, tech and business to immerse in new ideas and fresh tech.
In accordance with the memorandum of January 20, 2017, from the Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff, entitled “Regulatory Freeze Pending Review,” this action delays the effective date of that final rule 60 days from the date of the January 20, 2017 memo. The effective date of the January 19, 2017 final rule, which would have been February 17, 2017, is now March 21, 2017. The 60-day delay in the effective date is necessary to give agency officials the opportunity for further review of the issues of law and policy raised by the rule.